Seduce Me With Laughter
To me, there is nothing as sexy as laughter. The fact that my first long-term partner was offended by laughter in the bedroom sounded a death knell for our relationship, and the ability to laugh together naked remains one of the things I find most attractive in a partner today. Sex, done right, can be … Continue reading
Aural Sex in NYC
Hey all! I just found out that I’m going to be reading at Say Please night at Between the Pages (formerly Ravenous Nights) on October 5. The event is held from 8-10 PM at the Happy Endings Lounge, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. Happy Ending Lounge 302 Broome Street New … Continue reading
“By the Book” is on the Nobilis podcast
This week’s story on the Nobilis podcast is my very own “By the Book.” The story was initially published in the anthology “Like Hearts Enchanted” from Circlet Press. As I told Nobilis, this is one of my favorite stories. I wanted to write erotica about a “real girl” who finds love in a very unexpected … Continue reading
Thank you, Sinclair
Anyone who wasn’t at the Dirty Queer Sex Tour tonight missed out! There was a room full of insanely sexy women reading insanely sexy stories to other insanely sexy women… and there were cupcakes. What’s not to like? (Well, except not having a sexy woman of my own to go home to… and realizing that … Continue reading